Richmond is a charming Southern city that is steeped in history and has the attractive all-American look of many towns on the American East Coast. Visitors can wander around the Carytown district for some of the trendiest shops and restaurants in town. This is where you’ll find local specialty boutiques in place of chain stores, so the quirky creativity of Richmond truly lives here. Make time to stroll through the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, a 50-acre garden packed with exotic plants and a wonderful domed conservatory.

Museum lovers will be pleased with what Richmond has to offer, especially with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. This impressive museum is home to Fabergé eggs, works by Degas and Renoir, and large collections of Indian and Tibetan art. Another excellent attraction is the American Civil War Museum, where visitors can learn about the bloody conflict that tore the United States apart, as well as Virginia’s involvement as part of the Confederacy.

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