Built around the Avon River in southwest England, Bristol is a city that’s as picturesque as it is historic. Bristol is building a reputation as a center of culture and creativity, as indicated by a number of paintings around the city by the notorious street artist (and Bristol native) Banksy. Visitors can get acquainted with the city’s maritime history with a trip down to the harbor to see the SS Great Britain, a museum ship and the first iron steamer to cross the Atlantic in 1845.

Take in the grand architecture by seeing the Bristol Cathedral and St. Mary Redcliffe, two churches that are strikingly beautiful inside and out. No trip to Bristol would be complete without enjoying a pint at Llandoger Trow, a historic 17-century public house on King Street that’s supposedly haunted. After a beer, you may just have the courage to walk across the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the 100-meter-high bridge spanning the Avon Gorge, for a perfect view over Bristol and a great photo opportunity.

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