What's Happening in Freiburg im Breisgau

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Request for a Couchsurfing stay 7-9 April

Searching a host: 8th-9th July

Suche Schlafplatz for tonight. Coole Socke mit Hund


Local Knowledge / Meetup request


Anybody up there?

Suche eine Unterkunft 26.10.-1.11

Ich suche nach einer deutschsprachigen Sprechpartnerin!

A night which could change your life!!!

Searching a couch in Freiburg

Tips - getting around and hostels

I am looking for a room on a long- term basis

Room available Haslach 15min from the Station

Renting I Frieburg

Emergency couch - friend has to stay at the hospital


Freiburg will be the last city in Germany I will visit...

Cozy Room to sublet for one month (SEPTEMBER)

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