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Rabat is Morocco’s capital, but is a bit smaller and a lot more relaxed than most of the other major cities here. It features a classic medina, beautiful palm-lined boulevards, and a clean beach to enjoy in the almost ever-present sun. There are so many great things to see in Rabat, including the Hassan Tower, the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, and the fascinating Roman-era Chellah Necropolis.

A visit to the colorful, funky Kasbah of the Udayas is also a must-see for any visit to this vibrant city. Drawing influences from Spanish, Portuguese, and French cultures, the city is separated into several neighborhoods outside of the central medina, so visiting each one with help you get an accurate picture of the city as a whole. After a long day of wandering the ancient streets of Rabat, make your way to the beach to watch the sunset with your toes in the soft sand.


7 membres disponibles pour une rencontre immédiate

Photo de T
Travogate1 souhaite explore the area Il y a environ 2 heures
Photo de S
Saad souhaite hang out Il y a environ une heure
Photo de A
Assia souhaite Meet up Il y a environ une heure


  • ven, juin 21 à 9 h 00 PM +01
  • Photos de Karim El Khattabi Photos de Osman Toksoz Photos de Nassr-Eddine Berraida

    + 57 participant(s)


  • mer, juin 12 à 5 h 30 PM +01
  • Photos de Maria I Photos de Karim El Khattabi Photos de kareem elwardi

    + 21 participant(s)


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