On the banks of the river Rhine at the France-Germany border lies the city of Strasbourg. This is a place that is rooted its own long history but plays a crucial role in Europe’s future as home to several European institutions like the Council of Europe and European Parliament. But even though Strasbourg holds a special political significance, there is a soothing simplicity to be found here as you wander the city.

Visitors to Strasbourg should see the towering Strasbourg Cathedral, widely considered to be one of the best examples of Gothic architecture in the world. Stroll through Petite France, with its charming waterfront half-timber houses and bridges crossing over the river from one area to the next. Head to Ponts Couverts, the bridges and towers that served as part of the city’s defensive strategy in the 13th century, to cross the four channels of the River Ill that flow through Petite France. If you’d like to see Strasbourg from a different perspective, take a boat tour to float casually by all the amazing sights of the historic center.

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Lucas desidera to découvrir la région circa 3 ore fa
Foto di N
Nico desidera have a coffee and chill ☕️ 31 minuti fa
Foto di J
J-Luis Garcia desidera explorar la zona circa 3 ore fa


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