Liverpool is a gritty, tough city on the west coast of England, known for its maritime history and obsession with football. The city is divided, half its citizens decked out in the red of Liverpool F.C. and the other half sporting the royal blue of Everton. One thing they have in common, though, is a love for their city and a belief that it truly is a great place to live. Visitors can wander the “Cultural Quarter” of William Brown Street, with a high concentration of the city’s best museums, galleries, and monuments.

Liverpool was built on sea trade, and a trip to Albert Dock will give you a sense of the monumental importance that the harbor held. Music lovers will want to visit Matthew Street and the legendary Cavern Club, where Liverpool natives The Beatles played early in their career. Liverpool is also home to Europe’s oldest Chinatown in the district known as RopeWalks, and it’s hard to miss; there’s a massive, ornate paifang (Chinese arch) marking the entrance on Nelson Street.


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