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  • 91% response rate
  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 223 references 191 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Hebrew (modern), Spanish; learning Chinese
  • 35, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Transportation Planner
  • Had some, always looking for more
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

We're hosting despite COVID, but are asking that all surfers are vaccinated

If you prefer BeWelcome to Couchsurfing, you can find my BeWelcome profile here: http://www.bewelcome.org/members/Leeor

I am always evolving and changing, adapting and reevaluating. There is a parable about life as movement between trapeze bars that I heard for the first time before leading a 16-day backpacking trip (you can read the full thing here http://www.earthstewards.org/ESN-Trapeze.asp). The author argues that much of our life we spend swinging on trapeze bars, steadily and safely. We do the same routine. But every once in a while, we jump from one bar to the other, we make a transition in our lives. The move is terrifying, and we risk not catching the other bar and falling. We risk catching a new bar that's not as nice as the old one. But this transition, according to the author, is the most real part of life, where real meaningful growth and change occur.
I spent three years wandering around constantly on the move, but now I am settled down. I think growth can come from stability as well. If we learn how to transition within stability, how to deepen or change or widen our relationships and activities, we still transition.


I love learning, I love the environment, I love making people happy, I love getting to know new people, I love intercultural interactions, I love challenging situations, I love challenging oppressive systems. I love many other things as well, but currently my goal is to merge as many of those things as possible into my life at any given time.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I've had the pleasure of hosting over two hundred surfers whenever I've had space to share since starting in 2011. I had to take a break from hosting during the COVID pandemic but am excited to be back at it.

I spent three years wandering about, living for a few months in some city around the world and then moving to the next. So far I have lived in Boston, MA; Quito, Ecuador; Santiago, Chile; Cañazas, Panama; Tel Aviv, Israel; Chiang Mai, Thailand; Portland, OR; the Adirondacks; Montpellier, France; Athens, Greece; and Berlin, Germany. During this time I have greatly enjoyed what CS has to offer, the amazing generosity of my hosts which makes this adventure possible in the first place, the events that I can occasionally attend, and the great connections and friends I have made. I'm glad of the opportunity to give back now.

I believe one of the greatest gifts of couchsurfing is just offering a space. I lead a busy life and may not be available to hang out always, but maybe we have a quick exchange, or maybe you just get a nice place to rest your head.


I have met many amazing people through the couch surfing platform. I have now had the honor of hosting awesome people, and have been thrilled both to get to know them and to help them on their journeys. I've surfed dozens of times and in some places the only friends I make are from couchsurfing.


I am fascinated by the world around me and by the people who inhabit it. I can always get stuck in hours long conversations about politics, transportation, thoughts and feeling and relationships. People and their diversity of thought is what intrigues me the most, which is why I love to meet new people and to have long conversations about their passions. I often find myself in awe of my surroundings, be it some simple everyday scene or a stunning natural vista or spectacle, rudimentary or complex human feats, or just people being themselves.

  • culture
  • environment
  • womens rights
  • cooking
  • vegan
  • meditation
  • politics
  • reading
  • juggling
  • dumpster diving
  • cycling
  • backpacking
  • languages
  • political science
  • hitchhiking
  • cooperative living
  • intentional communities
  • biking
  • feminism
  • urban planning
  • fruit
  • environmental justice
  • anarchism
  • revolution
  • food not bombs
  • anti-capitalism
  • anti-racism
  • racial justice
  • radical politics
  • antifa
  • black lives matter
  • antifascism
  • prison abolition
  • war on drugs
  • mass incarceration

Music, Movies, and Books

yes, yes, and yes
I like when books movie and music make me think, especially if they help me think about something differently. I like when they help encourage or stir up a particular emotion, especially if it arises in a particularly poignant way.

Here is a working list of people I find myself often quoting or mentioning their ideas in conversations:
Marilyn Frye, Karen Warren, Howard Zinn, John Lennon, Aldus Huxley, Hayao Miyazaki, Haruki Murakami, Barbara Kingsolver, Kurt Vonnegut, Michelle Alexander, Geroge Orwell, The Alchemist, Tamora Pierce, N K Jemisin

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Every day is an adventure. Sometimes all it takes is walking down the same street I walk down everyday to be inspired by life.
I have taught children various subject on various occasions. The most amazing and beautiful thing in the world is when someone is passionately struggling to learn and to understand and then figures it out. At that moment excitement and passion for knowledge and understanding spread across her or his face. Helping someone in that endeavor is magical.

Teach, Learn, Share

Everything is beautiful through the proper lens.

I am a big fan of languages and would be happy to teach you what I can of the languages I speak and learn any language from you.

I'm also interested in cooking and am happy to share what I know (and even make some food) and to learn any techniques you may have to offer.

Circus arts are also fun

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Laos, Macedonia, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Chile, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Panama, Thailand, United States

Old School Badges

  • 5 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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