Fotos von Marcello Tamma

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  • 21 Referenzen 18 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, Italian
  • 55, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2010
  • Visual merchandiser
  • archtectural engineer
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

read profile before sending requests)

on my side, I do send cs requests, I also appreciate the host inviting me. my profile says a lot about me and I feel it makes sense to couch surf only if there is the intention of creating a deep connection; other options are not interesting to me, I'd rather book a hotel.


try to be present in the moment I live


...since 2014 travelling the world!

until 2013. I rush every day with my work from monday to friday. I'm quite laid back on week ends. I like to relax, read, play squash, and go out for dinner with friend. I'm single, live with my dog, and...what else, I do like to meet people from other countries with different culture.

(a life change!
18 August 2018. I have spent all of my life challenging myself with difficult studies in university, difficult relationships, many years on analysis, a freelance career as independent and creative as possible...the better I got, the worst I would feel...I wasn't able to go for a walk and be relaxed... today people say: 'to live the present moment'...that's where my second life was about 4-5years ago...) And this is going to be my journey until the end...

My life is much simpler, I don't like useless company or crowd. I respect people and I'm curious to know different ways of living, and being. I'm busy most of the time, but when I'm not i like to socialize with few good friends.
Priority goes to freedom and respect of other people.
I also do like to be on my own, meditate, read or simply do nothing. I don't have a wishful thinking attitude nor positiveness at all costs!

I share my space in the most relaxed and spontaneous way...and you will leave my home feeling like you have been in a familiar environment.

I really appreciate and enjoy free spirits, creative minds and people that are always searching for something in their lives, that have conflicts and bed moods sometimes...that make mistakes...This reflects what I am and what all my life is about; this is the kind of people that I feel have something to offer me and exchange...if you have been always following in the beaten truck, then I'm not your best choice, you wouldn't feel good with me.

note: vegetarian, smoke-drugs-alcohol is my home! Very strict about this!

There is more about me on workaway;
if you want to know about my creativity, just type my name on google

I have moved back to Amsterdam. I have a relatively simple life. I work four days a week, from very early until 3pm, then most days I go to the gym for some body maintenance (literally) and then food, home, bed.

On weekends I'm still doing sports, but also I like to do some singing classes every now and then. I'm more learning , so it's pop music I study

I'm also exploring a part of nlp related to positive psychology, it's called core transformation and getting through different trainings and practices. I find it very interesting and every Saturday evening we meet on zoom with some colleagues for two hour. Sometimes I double the work on a Tuesday evening with one colleague, again we meet online

On a Sunday afternoon I'm joining body drawing classes. Human body is beautiful and it is beautiful to draw it as well. I've mainly studied technical drawing or architectural drawing, but never something organic, human and gentle as a naked woman. It's great. You can join if you're here

I also use the weekend to really rest, sleep, eat, be a little lazy. Additionally I make my food experiments: vegan+keto nutrition+ diet together....very challenging for me. I'm always getting information about nutrition

Amsterdam is full of attractions, so whenever I can, I go to an art event: classic music or else, mainly art exhibitions.

There's also a lot going on on the gay scene. I do join it, but I'm not very active, many places I still haven't seen after all these years.

Well, I guess I've said a lot.
Hope you find some points to share.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


(few years ago...) just joined the group, I'm curious to see what it is about. I'd like to know people from other countries, learn and keep me as open minded as possible.

Couch surfing gives me the chance to meet other gay men from all over the world, listen to their stories and life experiences

I appreciate to meet people that are searching for something in their lives, with eigerness to learn, understand, discover. Men that live out of the beaten track


2014_apart from my work, which is my main interest, I practice digital art, possibly with personal exhibitions when I have time to do so. I like to do sports yoga, pilates, body building. Living in the landscape, on week ends, I enjoy to spend time outdoor with my dog, play, walk. I'm studying and practicing Thai yoga massage. I practice yoga and meditate. I'm interested in tantra massage. Homophobia out of my way please!

2015_traveling the world, planning a world tour for next twenty years...I'd like to live in several countries while working

2015 2016 The Netherlands

2016-2017 Russia

2017 Amsterdam
I'm in Amsterdam now... I'm living here. I first came as a tourist and I appreciated the village type atmosphere and looking of the city. There is many green areas, bike lanes everywhere so no risks of being run over by a car; buildings, especially in the center, are low rise and picturesque with those brick stones...I find this city very elegant.

-------more about me (...this is an abstract of my WORKAWAY web page):

I'm going to use this space to speak about myself and the way I like to live my life and the w.away and CS experience...

I enjoy being with people just as much as I need and appreciate to be by myself; more clearly: I don't need company to fulfill empty spaces... in both ways, respecting others' needs, moments, personalities.

I'm a very liberal gay man with a great sense of freedom; this goes parallel with the intention of never hurting anybody's feelings, sensibility and being mannered and respectful. I don't talk too much about myself, I like to listen to people's stories, life experiences, ideas, ambitions... that's my way of being present in somebody else's life. (write vegetarian is healthy in your couch request).

When I relax, I don't particularly like crowds or nosy places, unless it's for work...In that case, I like it! I must have said that I have my everyday Café ritual, where ever I am, I get on my bike and go...then I spend a couple of hours just drinking espresso and reading, writing or simply contemplating, this is just by myself.

My personal growth goes towards a deeper consciousness of myself; it's the most important think...keeping a connection to my cultural background; I'm thinking yoga and meditation retreat communities, artists, Buddhists, vegetarian.
For Some of my works Google my name...
When sending/ your request write on the headline /vegetarian is healthy
...and facebook:

When sending me a couch request, please state clearly what makes you want to stay at my place rather then somebody else's. I receive several requests every day, copy and paste requests are not really the Cs philosophy; messages or friend requests (for future couch requests), I'll also consider non appropriate.

  • dogs
  • arts
  • culture
  • design
  • interior design
  • digital design
  • vegetarian
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • outdoor activities
  • sports
  • psychology
  • nudism
  • travel
  • nature
  • massage
  • nudist
  • naturism
  • queer
  • talking
  • tantra
  • veganism
  • vegetarian cooking
  • thai massage
  • natural medicine
  • nlp
  • interior decorating
  • hipnosis
  • meditaion
  • work and travel

Musik, Filme und Bücher

music: E.Bosso, E.Satie, L.Einaudi, G.Winston
Books: E.Hesse, E.Fromm, F.Alberoni, P.Chodron
movies: the house of the spirits, a heart in winter

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I survived

Lehren, lernen, teilen

_probably I can give things related to my work. I do appreciate architectural practice and interior design, it is my job!

_I'm studying Thai massage and I like male tantra as well. It's my hobby, I exchange male tantra

_One of my favorite activity, when I'm with people, is to talk, listen to their stories.

_sometimes I cook pasta or other vegetarian food; because I like sweets, I try to make healthy and very light ones. I make diet tiramisu!

_i'm interested in human nature and behaviour, social and physiological and I like to listen to people. Sometimes just letting people express themselves is the key for solving their little daily problems...

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

I'm quite relaxed in my space and you will feel the same, not a guest but somebody to share the space with.

i can share everything i am as a person
i am a reserved man...i like to be with people, but i don't appreciate intrusive, loud, empty words! Thank you for taking the time of reading my profile, it's probably the only way to understand if it could be a good CS experience from both sides.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Scotland, Spain, United States, Wales

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States

Old School Badges

  • Pionier-Badge

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