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  • 88 references 52 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French, German, Japanese, Spanish
  • 48, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Healer, Writer, Producer, TV Host, Massage, Wellness Coach
  • BA Degree in Business with minors in marketing and commun...
  • From Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

They say travelers are either running to something or away from something (someone).

How about you?

Over the years, I have done both; but most of us just say we enjoy traveling. LoL

Love is the highest vibration.

We must love ourselves before we can love others.

I love life, meeting new people, traveling and sharing stories and adventures. We learn so much from one another. Life is beautiful.

Have met so many wonderful, talented, amazing people on Couch Surfing!

I am somewhere between enjoying nature, evolving in the entertainment business (35 years) and knowing the power that Jesus (Yahweh/Yahshua) saves!

I am spiritual, religious, learning and growing daily.

For years I became vegan, spiritual, doubting Jesus, on my journey towards enlightenment, lost, confused; tried many things through self discovery, trial and error and meeting those along the way on the various paths of life...

There is power, healing, love and salvation in that name.

After deep depression in 2023, nearly dying in December 2022, I recently rededicated my life to Jesus (in mid 2023) and things have been wonderful, magical, although things happen which will ultimately lead us to our dystiny according to God's will in Jesus name.

The Holy Spirit guides us; and all praise and honor to God who provides for us.

I learned God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are always with us, but the Bible says Jesus is the way, truth and life...

I heard that Kanye West and Elon Musk Couchsurf...

My IG is: @iamajbillions

Screenwriter | Showrunner | Producer | Director | Published Author | Award Winning Filmmaker | Raw Chef | Sag-Aftra | Ex Pro Athlete | Wellness Consultant | On-Air Host | Red Carpet Correspondent

The most important thing in our lives is to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

Other than that, I pray we all enjoy this day like it's our last.

Seize the day!

Career wise, I have been fortunate to work with celebrities such as Rihanna and Derek Jeter in my career.

I am an award winning Filmmaker.

I avoid drinking, smoking, drugs and partying. I live a healthy and active lifestyle.

May 2024
Was attacked by my neighbor last month resulting in a broken leg. Recovering, praying, fasting and meditating. Planning my future.

Realize life can, will and does change in an instant...

Gratitude is real 💯

Mindset, faith, belief, hope, trust and Love are everything.

Excited to see my future and healing journey.

On the road to recovery. Currently using a walker, wheelchair and crutches. I am extremely happy to be alive and live in LA.

Working on several films, TV Shows and creative endeavors...projects.

April 2024
Spontaneous trip to one of my favorite places; San Diego.

January 2024

I interviewed Lionel Richie.
Went downtown LA for Grammy stuff doing God's will before the rainy weekend.

October 2022
Vegas*SF*Mount Shasta*KC*Denver

annual birthday trip

was my 2nd visit to Mount Shasta

this trip was absolutely spiritually aligned, so many stories to share!

August 2022
Had tons of auditions in LA.

June 2022
Backpacked on a motorcycle.

March 2022
Writing another book and film.

Feb 2022
Look for me in the new Folgers Coffee Commercial.

Producing several projects, writing a pilot, a new book, films, documentary and television shows.

June 2021
Just completed a three week trip from planes, trains, automobiles, buses and hitchhiked for the 1st time.

Mount Shasta and Sedona were EPIC!

May 2021
Award winning Filmmaker

Published Author

9 books currently selling on Amazon!

My debut film that I wrote, directed and produced starring Tiffany Haddish and Obba Babatunde screened at a film festival this month and won an award.

Feb 2021
Using my platform, career, business and gifts to bring light, truth, hope and inspiration to the world.

Producing my television series and documentary. Ready to commence filming soon.

Also writing 4 books including a cook book.

Jan 2021
Planning epic adventures.

Enjoy snow skiing and plan to learn to snow board.

Want to visit Mount Shasta.

Earned my motorcycle license.

Traveled to Sedona 4 times, it’s my new FAVORITE PLACE. Found the secret caves and hiked Bell Rock 3 times!

Went to Zion, will definitely go back.

2003 and 2017
Lived in Canada
'03 played Pro Baseball in Saskatoon

'17 lived in Calgary, went back to Sask
Covered Red Carpet events, Canadian Pro Sports and DJ'd at a club in Calgary.

Love Banff.

After returning to America backpacked in America for several months.


I have been fortunate to live my dreams.

I pray, meditate trusting God's will for my life and thankfully my thoughts become things.

I enjoy traveling, cooking new vegan organic recipes, baking and meditation.

I believe everything in life is connected and nothing happens by accident. I live life one day at a time hour by hour. I have heard that we plan and God laughs. Also that perhaps our life is a puzzle and God arranges the pieces.

I live for spontaneous adventures! Often times the best plan is no plan. Just figuring it out. Things always work out. Never a need to worry. Being present, living in the moment. Trusting and knowing!

Professional photography, video editing, cooking, massage, wellness coaching, life coaching and attending events are a few of my hobbies.

Have lived in 15 states, traveled to over 45 states all the while meeting amazing people and achieving my goals of playing professional baseball, appearing in over 40 TV commercials and attending graduate university.

I had more success and peace in my life with Jesus. Without Jesus, I was believing in the power and healing properties of crystals, doing moon rituals, recharging my crystals...

I turned my back on Jesus and nearly died. I called myself spiritual not religious during that period, called God the Universe and Creator.

I was lost for over 10-15 years after my parents died. Everything I tried without Jesus I realize I failed at.

I am thankful, greatful and fortunate for the people I have met traveling and the amazing things I have been able to do with my life.

Jesus is real.

When we pray to accept Jesus, we are guaranteed to go to heaven not hell when we die, we immediately get the Holy Spirit to come into us which gives a peace, joy, comfort and love from God.

God is good...amazing... supernatural!!!

I hope, pray and wish all reading this live their dreams, goals and live their best life.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'm used to staying in hotels, however, at a time when I was low on money and flying to Vegas to live for an unknown number of months, I tried a hostel and was one of the best things to ever happen to me!!!

I've met so many great people from abroad and they sold me on hostels.

I kept hearing about CS in the hostel and after someone finally explained it to me, I gave CS a shot and love it!

CS is great when you're traveling alone; opposed to being in a hotel room looking at 4 walls.

I truly enjoy meeting new people and learning new cultures.

Couchsuring is deeper than just a place to sleep...over the years, I've met incredible humans. Couchsurfing proves that there are fantastic people out here.

Thank you CS and thank you to all that have hosted me!!

Couch Surfing is the BEST!!!


Reading my Bible, spreading the name of Jesus, biking, motorcycle riding, yoga, organics, alkaline plant based consumption, meditation, road trips, cooking, baking, tennis, golf, billiards, traveling, paddle boarding, massage therapy, skiing, darts, board games, kink, polyamory, bdsm, water sports, meeting new people, hiking.

I have done stand up comedy at different clubs; writing my first comedy special.

I also volunteer from time to time.

  • writing
  • photography
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • baking
  • vegan
  • organic food
  • yoga
  • gardening
  • board games
  • traveling
  • billiards
  • darts
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • camping
  • skiing
  • sports
  • baseball
  • tennis
  • golf
  • journalism
  • tourism
  • volunteering
  • nature
  • massage
  • spirituality
  • videography
  • biking
  • bike riding
  • marketing
  • stand up comedy
  • producing
  • organic gardening
  • vegan food
  • veganism
  • healthy lifestyle
  • jesus
  • bdsm
  • organic living
  • vegan cooking
  • organics
  • video editing
  • god
  • praying
  • polyamory
  • production
  • organic
  • planting
  • paddleboarding
  • grounding
  • video production
  • jesus christ
  • prayer
  • stand up paddle boarding
  • editing videos
  • hiking,
  • yoga and meditation
  • pray
  • holy spirit
  • plant based
  • plant based food
  • plant-based
  • alkaline

Music, Movies, and Books

Bible. My books that are selling on Amazon. Also enjoy books such as Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Secret and the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

7+ things:

1. Motorcycle License
2. Skied Black Diamond
3. Hiked to the Top of Bell Rock (4x)
4. Grew an organic garden
(zucchini, yellow squash, butternut squash, cucumber, roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, tomatillo, cilantro, watermelon, and cantaloupe)
5. Producing Documentary Films and Published Books
6. Wrestled alligator on my TV Show
7. Owned a Wellness Biz

1. Formerly played professional baseball.
2. Completed a 100 mile bike ride in the mountains of San Diego.
3. Became CEO of a production company, aired episodes on TV and became a premier TV Host all over America and Canada. Hosted on the red carpet for BET wearing $2,000 shoes from a shoe sponsor and dressed by a clothing sponsor.
4. Purchased a home and condo; remodeled both (DIY).
5. Backpacked across America for 2 months.
6. Helped an ex-gf raise her newborn for 3 months.
7. Achieved all of my childhood goals before age 30.
8. worked on a TV Show with Rihanna and appeared in over 45 television commercials (one with Derek Jeter, one with Kasey Khane, one with Robinson Cano, and another with Tiger Woods).
9. ran a 5K in Miami without training for it.
10. Hiked grassy mountains full of trees in Honduras and met amazing locals.
11. As a professional model; my ads have appeared in Maxim magazine, Time, Newsweek and USA Today. I also walked for Nike and New Balance. I recently did a shoot with a designer for New York Fashion Week.
12. Lived in 15 states; 9 cities in Florida and multiple cities in other states too. Have moved over 30 times.
13. Have visited 40+ states in America {Hawaii and Alaska are at the top of my list}.
14. In 2004, spontaneously moved to LA from Orlando overnight. Drove 36 hours straight.
15. In 2008, moved to NY overnight; booked a one way ticket from Orlando.
16. In 2010, met a German girl in Miami after recently purchasing a condo in S. FL. Ended up renting an apartment in Chicago for the summer to be closer to her. She ended up moving into my condo with me on S. FL and we left Chicago before it got cold. Lol

{I have personally met and interviewed the President of the United States and the Mayor of Los Angeles several times}

Teach, Learn, Share


I'm always interested in sharing new cultures and travel tips. Nothing better than sharing travel stories and discussing life...our journey. My mentor says, "enjoy the journey, forget the destination."

I can teach you marketing, how to manifest, golf, snow ski, garden, workout properly, lose weight...live your best life!

I can help you solve your problems. I am a wellness coach, mentor and trust God's will for our lives. I have helped many to "figure it out." Life can suck when we lack Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, balance, intention, hope, purpose or have a series of things happen that we are unable to process.

Often times a complete stranger can help more than family, friends or doctors. I achieved all of my life goals before my 30th birthday.

I can teach you how to become successful in the entertainment industry. How to consume healthy, lose weight and how to think positive regardless of the situation.

I played professional baseball so I can teach you the proper way to workout.

I helped an ex gf lose weight, feel great about herself and figure her life out. The secret is calories in vs calories out. 😉

I make people better.


I want to learn how to camp, play guitar and become a better Latin salsa dancer.

I would also like to learn where to go in Jamaica, Africa, Thailand, Peru, Hawaii, Malaysia, Alaska, Australia, Vancouver, India and Mexico before I book trips there.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Hiking, biking, working out, jogging, yoga, massage, meditation.

I love to cook, bake, and have been called an artist in the kitchen. I eat 100% organic, alkaline, plant based, veganish, Dr. Sebi diet.

I often times buy groceries and cook an amazing 100% organic meal for my host(s).

My organic snickerdoodle cookies, grass fed meatloaf, fettuccine from scratch and baked goodies are addictive (however, I gave up these delicious things as they are not on my new diet).

Also intriguing conversations about life, traveling, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, spirituality, video production, photography, motivational speaking or insight into the entertainment business or world of professional sports.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, United States

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