Photos de Ronja Thoma

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  • 9 avis 7 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, German, Spanish
  • 32, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2011
  • Student
  • International Social Work
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

Heyhey, I just finished my studying (International Social Work) and now I want to complete one of my biggest dreams: To travel the world without a timelimit. The travelbug already bite my very early, so I always tried to travel. Before my studies I did a volunteer service in Mexico and during my career I did a internship in Uganda and studying one year in Colombia. So you can see I love to be on the road and to learn about other peoples life, culture, country,.... I am also very interested in social and ecological topics for discussing. Aaand I love to laugh a lot. :))) So just see what we can talk and laugh about.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

Knowing about another culture and its people is the best way to accept each other and make peace in the world. So I think the best way to do that is learning through traveling and meeting the people of the country because through them you will learn more about the country, their culture, society, history and politics then is written in a guidebook. That's why I would love if someone would host me in his or her country, but also me I want to host people in my home place, to give them the opportunity to have a look behind German doors ;) (Until now I did not host someone, because I do not live in a big city, so normally nobody finds his or her way up to here, but let it change it).

Centres d'intérêt

I made one of my interests to my carrer, so I learned about International Social Work, as far I worked in social projects in Mexico and Uganda. Topics as sustainability and alternative lifestyles became very important to me, since I am trying to find a better way to live. At home I love to cook, especially international cousine and to be creative like sewing or doing other handcraft.

  • culture
  • cooking
  • traveling
  • music
  • social work
  • nature
  • laughing
  • sustainability
  • dreaming
  • handcraft
  • alternative lifestyles

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I don't like to say that I have a favourite music, book or movie, because I really don't have it. ;) For example I like a lot of different music stiles, from reggae to pop ending in rock. It always depends on my mood and the situation what I want to listen to. But what I know is that I love to bring new songs with me from a journey, so I can listen to them at home and remember the nice journey.

Oh wait, there is one book, which I really love. It is called "Ronia. The Robber's Daughter" from Astrid Lindgren. I think in Europe everyone knows it, because it is a really nice book for children. And my parents just called me after that book, so I was always feeling like that girl, living the adventures of her forest.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

In Panama I wanted to travel to the San Blas Islands (a really beautiful place), but normally a 3 day sailing trip costs around 500 Dollar. So by chance I knew someone who had his own boat and I could go with them on their sailing trip. On the boat I met a girl from the Islands, so together we could help her family with the restaurant and stay there for free, doing all the tourist trips also for free. Because of her I really could be part of something, what other tourists never see. And the best of all: We are still friends.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

Well I love to cook, so lets see what we can create. I also can share my knowledge about social or recycling topics with you or to teach you some handcraft. Or if you just want to lay back and listen to all my crazy travel stories, that is also possible. Just let's meet and see! :)

I am very open minded so if there is anything you can teach me, I would love to learn about it.
As I love to cook, I also really like to know new recipes I can bring with me from a journey, so that they can remind me of the country and the person who teached me to cook it. So maybe you can show me one. :)
At the moment I am learning to play the guitar, so if you already do I would be very happy to learn something from you.

You can never stop learning, and every day has a new offer for you. So lets see what we can teach, show each other. :)

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

Cooked food and maybe if I already learned more some guitar songs :)

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Slovenia, Spain, United States, Viet Nam

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Colombia, Mexico, Uganda

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