Fotos von Jihyeon Seo

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  • 7 Referenzen 2 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, Korean; lernt zurzeit Spanish
  • 33, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2012
  • Medical Device RA Specialist
  • MSc in Biomedical Engineering
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


To step on every continent before I turn 30
To become fluent in 10 different languages


Always up for new adventures, open to learn new things and new idea.
Language lover who truly believes that you acquire another soul when you learn a new language.
Avid traveler
Big foodie, so it is an important part of my trip to try as many local cuisines as I can.


Stay curious and keep learning new stuff

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


I got to learn about Couchsurfing through an article on a magazine. I was fascinated by the idea that I could easily meet locals when I travel and exchange the culture of each other.
I usually use Couchsurfing when I travel abroad to hang out with locals or other travelers. But I also like meeting up with travelers who visit my country so I can see my own country through the lens of the their eyes and it gives me different perspectives on the place where I currently live in.


I have tried surfing at last in Morocco in early February 2016! My trip to Morocco for 11 days was full of meeting so many nice people. I met some of them as my hosts and I met others only to meet up and to have some fun time together. By staying with locals, I was really able to understand the Moroccan culture much better. Also I got a chance to stay with a Berber family in a desert village too. I have met so many CSers and some of my hosts know each other although they live in different cities. Without Couchsurfing, this would never have been possible.


I love outdoor activities and working out. I run marathon few times a year.
I dance West Coast Swing and I sometimes do some dance performance.
I am learning how to play guitar atm as well.

  • culture
  • dancing
  • salsa dancing
  • swing dancing
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • traveling
  • hiking
  • languages

Musik, Filme und Bücher

All types of music that sound good to me. My favorite type of movies is sci-fi. I like reading all types of books.

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I have done Trans Siberian-Mongolian-Chinese trip. After graduating my Masters in Europe, I wanted to make the trip back home so special. Therefore, I decided to do the trip which I've been dreaming for so long so I traveled all the way from St. Petersburg to Qingdao in China by land. I only traveled through trains, buses and cars and on the way I stopped over in so many cities like St. Petersburg-Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg-Omsk-Astana(Kazakhstan)-Irkutsk-Ulan Ude-Ulanbataar(Mongolia)-Beijing(China)-Qingdao.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Some basic Korean phrases, Korean culture (I used to volunteer as a Korean language teacher when I was in Prague). I can always keep you great company.

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

I can share all my travel stories and also I can make some tasty Korean dishes.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Belgium, Czech Republic, South Korea, Sweden

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