Babette Kohl's Photo

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  • Last login 9 months ago

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  • 11 references 6 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German; learning Portuguese
  • 67, Female
  • Member since 2008
  • I am a teacher for physically handicapped, but like to oc...
  • to be interested in other people
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Beeing curious about my own life and about the life of others


I am living in the countryside right in between 2 cities, Reutlingen and Tübingen. It takes you about one quarter of an hour to get to Reutlingen by bus and from there another 10 min to Tübingen by train.
I have two daughters (Sirkka 38 and Malin 35).
Sirkka and her partner Timo have two lovely daughters and live in Berlin.
She introduced me to Couch Surfing and has the most experience in this case.(she lived in Buenos Aires for one year and started her life there couch surfing).
Malin travelled South America and also did a lot of Couch surfing.
She is living in Hamburg now .


"Frage nicht,
was die Welt braucht,
Frage, was du brauchst
und was dich lebendig hält.
Was die Welt braucht
sind lebendige Menschen."

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I have a a guest room with a double bed for people who like to get to know the beautiful south of Germany. I have guests quite often, so ask to stay not too short before your trip.

I have a quite big house and always a lot of guests.
I already had quite a lot of couchsurfers staying here.
One of them came to stay for one night in order to find a flat and in the end he stayed for nearly 5 years (!) till he finished his studies and found a job in another town!
On my own travels I normally stay with friends or do camping in summer but may do couchsufing myself one day.


Dancing ( Salsa, Rueda de Casino and Lindy Hop: I was dancing at famous Herräng Dance Camp, Sweden several times!)
and making percussion-music.
"Chucrute com Banana" is the band´s name I am in (if you like, you can have a look on our homepage
In 2002 we made an amazing trip to Salvador,Brasil.
I also love making music with "Folklang Tübingen", an open international music project -
you also might be interested in - a lot of music from this project you can find on internet.
An old dream is sailing and it became true, when a friend asked me to join a sailing trip on an old traditional "Schoner" . This is one of the best ways of spending my holidays:
beeing and working together with about 25 people within the "changing characters" of the sea.

I have a big garden situated on a steep hill. Gardening for me is: sports, meditation, health care, environmental protection, joy...
For my birthday some years ago my daughters engaged a lot of my friends and they gave me the best birthday present ever: a wooden bathtub which I enjoy with my friends and family in every season.
I like the seasons and their special activities: winter-sports, starting the garden-season in spring, cycling and hiking in summer and autumn.....

  • dancing
  • cooking
  • meditation
  • gardening
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • surfing
  • sailing
  • sports
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: "el secreto de sus ojos" (Argentina-shattering)
Richard Powers: "The time of our singing"
(about America and the-historical struggle of the Black Americans for freedom - moving-)
Khaled Hosseini: "a thousand splendid suns"
(The women in Afghanistan - heartbreaking)
T.C.Boyle (read nearly all of his books)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I am member of an organisation called SCI,
which organizes International Workcamps all over the world.
I made interesting and impressing experiences and made friends, working in Germany, Switzerland, Finland ,Africa and in Sweden, for some weeks.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I am always quite busy with all the activities I am engaged in
so don´t expect me to be your guide or cook.
But anything could happen anyway.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Italy, Lesotho, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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