Le foto di Maddo Coley

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Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Maddo.

Informazioni generali

  • 37 referenze 24 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, German; lingua che sta imparando Norwegian
  • 39, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2011
  • Mobile Crane Operator
  • Nessun titolo di studio indicato
  • Di Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I got a lot of energy in me but most if the time to lazy to let it out by myself so I'm trying to surround myself with fun and active people. I wanna see and do as much as I can, we life now so we better enjoy it. I guess the best is just to meet up to get to know me. 😃

I love the outdoors, the smell of the ocean and the forest.

i also like to hang out with people and enjoy a good talk. As i am really Talkactive, i would like you to be not one of the extremly quite and shy ones in case you would like to travel with me.

some people like to say I'm a not normal or "different"
I think I'm just a couch surfer so hey... whats normal ?

This might not make sense to you, but it makes a lot of sense to me;

I love traveling, but hate turism.
I love quality, but hate luxury


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)


better life a short live that is full of what you like doing, than living a long live spending in a miserable way

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is an awesome way to connect with people all over the world which you, during the lack of communication, would otherwise never meet.

Couchsurfing for me is all about experience. And so far I had a lot of good ones.


Kajaking, diving, glamping riding my motorcycle , walking thru the nature, sailing, FREE HUGS, relaxing, meet People and so on

  • bbq
  • kayaking
  • mountains
  • nature
  • diving
  • outdoors
  • glamping
  • motorbikes

Musica, film e libri

Into the Wild,
Poisen from Mark Sullivan but there are much more books i like,
really flexible but mostly guitar music or Reggae,
Passenger, Mumford and Sons,Eddie Vedder, johnny cash, Tom Waits, Peter Licht, Gispert zu Knyphausen, Seed, fettes Brot, Per Kruse and so on

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

i gave up the "normal" live. i think that was the best I've ever done so far. since then people call me a nomad, i am fine with that and try to do everything in a backpacker style.

Life the live easy and you'll have more fun you can ever imagine

Insegna, impara, condividi

I could teach you how to bake a really good damper (australian bush bread) in your frying pan... i love that stuff
while i have a lot energie i love to learn everything you may can teach me.

Share: Live, love and harmonie

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

A lot of storys about my travelling, a good chat at a campfire, quite time outdoors.

a beer in the evening. well i guess everything what comes down to social live, and i mean the old fashion one... not the facebook or i phone / whats app one

Paesi che ho visitato

Australia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Australia, Denmark, Germany

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 8 Garantiscis

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