Pekka Toivonen's Photo

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Maybe Accepting Guests

  • Last login about 19 hours ago

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  • 52 references 40 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Swedish; learning Afrikaans, Danish, Faroese, French, Icelandic, Northern Sami, Persian (Farsi), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • Teacher in Swedish-speaking integration course
  • Master of Arts
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

SE SEI ITALOFONO E MI SCRIVI IN INGLESE, TI BLOCCO SUBITO! Also if you are a functionally illiterate person, you will get your request declined without any further explanation.

Hello! - Ciao! - Hejsan! - Heisann! - Hei! - Привет! - Tervist! - Sæll!

My name is Pekka and I'm 32 years old. Currenty I'm living in Närpes, also known as Tomato Empire of Finland.

I'm a qualified Italian and Swedish teacher, graduated from University of Turku in 2017. Apart from those two languages, I have also have teaching experience in Norwegian, Finnish, English, Biology, Geography, Religion and PE. Currently I'm working as a teacher in Swedish-speaking integration programme which is conducted mainly online. It is a big priviledge to be able to work from home. It gives me more time for free time activities and household chores.

In the meanwhile I also dedicate a significant share of my free time to football coaching (doing it since 2008) and repairing second-hand bikes. I'm serious about my political beliefs and values, but it doesn't mean that I won't be able to respect other peoples' opinions. On the contrary, many of the people who allegedly share my political beliefs are utterly depressing. In case your life delves around Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and such, better not to send a couch request to me.

I describe myself as a friendly and sociable person, whose main mission is to enjoy life as much as possible. I love football and it's one of the most important things in my life. I am a friendly person indeed, but I have been hurt many times by people who I considered as my friends.

I don't believe in new friendships anymore, but you can try to prove me wrong obviously.

Since autumn 2019 I work part-time as a football coach in 'Närpes Kraft'. You can search for 'Kraft P09' channel on Youtube in order to see some of our matches.

If you have some questions, I will be more than grateful to answer them :-).




Mi chiamo Pekka e ho 31 anni. Adesso abito a Närpes, anche conosciuto come "Regno dei Pomodori" in Finlandia.

Per campare faccio il docente di lingue straniere. Ho conseguito la mia laurea magistrale presso l'Università di Turku nel 2017 con Italiano come materia principale e con Lingue Nordiche, Filologia Latina, Studi sul Multiculturalismo e Scienze della Formazione come materie complementari. Partendo dal 15 agosto 2022 comincio a insegnare svedese per gli stranieri a tempo pieno.

Per quanto riguarda il mio tempo libero, è da 14 anni che faccio l'allenatore giovanile di calcio. Lavorare nel mondo del calcio resta un sogno, ma vediamo! In questi tempi devastati dal cambiamento climatico cerco anche di ridurre la mia impronta di anidride carbonica (ora circa 2,3 pianeti / 3,9 tonnellate).
Per quanto riguarda il calcio, potete andare su Youtube per vedere delle partite della squadra che alleno. Cercate 'Kraft P09' e così trovate il nostro canale. Il club si chiama 'Närpes Kraft'. La prima squadra di Kraft ha disputato 7 stagioni nella Serie B finlandese (Ykkönen/Ettan) tra 1997 e 2004.

Come persona ritengo di essere gentile e socievole. Negli ultimi anni ho cominciato a trarre ispirazione dallo stoicismo, perché serve per attenuare i drammi della vita e vedere le cose con un ottica più completa.

Se avete delle domande, chiedetemi pure.

Un saluto



I live my life, because life is the most beautiful thing that can ever be achieved. Life is to be enjoyed, and being without something positive should make us appreciate those positive things more when we have them. In other words, I'm quite much inspired by stoicism nowadays.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I most likely do not accept your couch request, in case you are just a typical contemporary individualist traveller who is driven by selfish desires and goals. I am not interesting in spending time with people who consider other people like tools or products to be used for own gains.

Hosting and surfing whenever possible. I would like to show different places for people and meet up for lunch. It's a terrific way of meeting new people.

NB. If you send me a couch request, please read carefully the section "My Home" first.

Se mi mandi una richiesta, ti avviso di leggere attentamente la sezione "My Home" prima.

Skickar du en förfrågan till mig, så ber jag dig att läsa igenom texten i sektionen "My Home" först.

Jos laitat majotuspyynnön, ni lue ekaks huolel läpi teksti osios "My Home".


Hosting mainly, but with some experience in surfing too.


  • culture
  • diy
  • cooking
  • coach
  • politics
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cars
  • music
  • skiing
  • sports
  • soccer
  • teaching
  • languages
  • volunteering
  • football
  • recycling
  • socialism
  • reuse

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Peginho


Documentaries, films based on actual events, comedies... you name it!


Too many good ones just to mention a few.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hiking to Larsbreen glacier in Svalbard and visiting caves underneath it.
InterRail in Summer of 2009.
Driving car between Reykjavík and Vík í Mýrdal in Iceland.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can deal with many sports. As I'm a football coach, I can give you some tips to get better in football. If you haven't tried ice skating or cross-country skiing for example, I can give you a helping hand with that.

I can also help with learning different languages and would like to learn more of them myself as well.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Knowledge above all. I can teach you how to make pizza. I can also tell you about language policies of Finland. Yes, we do have two official languages plus three languages that are official on a regional level.

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City State, Åland Islands

Countries I’ve Lived In

Finland, Norway, Åland Islands

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