Athens is the iconic face of Ancient Greece, a city where priceless historical relics are found just around the corner from stylish restaurants and artsy hipster neighborhoods. Of course, the most important thing to see in Athens is the Acropolis, an ancient citadel built upon a rocky outcrop overlooking the city. The Acropolis comprises the famous Parthenon, the Propylea, the Erechtheion, and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. This site has the power to not only change your view of Athens, but of the world.

Take the time to explore the different areas of the city like the Anafiotka neighborhood, with its colorful homes and narrow alleyways, or the Psiri neighborhood, which is packed with funky bars and clubs full of Athens’ adventurous youth. To get an incredible view over the city, make the climb to the top of Mount Lycabettus and visit the Chapel of St. George at the summit. Or take a short trip to the tip of the Attiki Peninsula to see the Temple of Poseidon, God of the Sea, stopping for a dip in the Aegean along the way.

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