Blagoje Brad Divac's Photo

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  • 77% response rate
  • Last login 11 days ago

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  • 20 references 15 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Croatian, English, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish; learning Italian, Japanese
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Sales rep, translator, writer, ESL teacher, marketing con...
  • University of Belgrade -Finance.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I love reading, psychology, philosophy...all types of literature. I love to write myself as well. Raised in US culture: music, movies, TV shows...Loves sports: basketball, boxing...I'm open to all cultures and religions, don't care about stereotypes, always open-minded. Worked as a sales rep for the US market and as an ESL teacher and content writer. I work a lot online, in short.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I would like to show people there are more things to Serbia than the bad economy and Novak Djokovic. Also would love to travel the world.


  • watching movies
  • chatting
  • reading and writing
  • getting to know new people

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Enigma, Era, Vangelis, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Michael Jackson, Madonna, 80's classics...all depending on the mood and always adding new stuff. When I like a song I could hear it once and then listen to it 23763746 times and then don't listen to it ever again. :D

Books: there are too many to count and always happily add more. I am a bookworm, certified.

Movies: I watch many movies because I have worked as a freelancer for a long time. So it is more about directors and the countries of origin for me. I love Ridley and Tony Scott, Martin Scorcese, Tarantino, Luc Besson, Michael Mann, Nolan, old Hong Kong cinema, Asian Cinema in general, and pretty much everything else. In terms of series: "Sopranos", "True Detective-season 1" and many others. I watch both blockbusters and indie movies. Various topics interest me at all times.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have done many amazing things but the most amazing one is that I will keep them all to myself.

Teach, Learn, Share

I have to learn a lot myself so don't look at me for advice. If I have to write something...Stay positive or...Just do it, like I'm Nike.

What I Can Share with Hosts

All of my knowledge about various topics and positive energy at all times.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Montenegro, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Montenegro, Serbia, United States

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