Fotos de Emma Sorin

Perfil no verificado

  • Pago no verificado
  • Teléfono no verificado
  • Documento de identidad no verificado

Puede aceptar invitados

  • Última conexión hace más de 4 años

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  • 1 recomendación 1 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, French; está aprendiendo German, Italian
  • 28, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2014
  • Student in Literature
  • No se ha indicado la formación
  • De Saintes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I'm a 23 year old student in literature. I'm interested in all kind of arts and culture, I listen to very different kind of music (rock, jazz, classic, funk ...). I dance lindy hop, and if we meet some day we might share a walk in the city or in the middle of nowhere.
Please note that I enjoy meeting very different kind of people and I don't expect to find people whose interests exactly match with mine. If you like something original or very far from my own interests, I'd love to hear you talk about it !

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I'm here to be connected with people from all over the world and find another way to stay in the countries and meet locals or travellers. I'd be also glad to host people in my place and help them discovering the region.


  • literature
  • poetry
  • wine
  • music
  • volleyball
  • languages
  • philosophy
  • cinema
  • nature
  • lindy hop
  • walk
  • cakes
  • nature walks
  • movement

Música, películas y libros

I listen to a lot of different musics: swing, classic, jazz, rock, metal, french variety ... and I'm always looking for other songs that the people I meet listen to, so it can match with all the different possible moods.
I read a lot of french literature, novels, some poetry, and a lot of comics/graphic novels too.
Considering movies, I watch new films in cinemas, classics, documentaries, ... I've been part of a few international film festivals.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Hiking in french mountains with donkeys ?

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I can teach some french cooking and cook invented recipes. I can teach french and can talk about french literature.
I'd like to share any funny adventure or interesting life stories, or just share a good moment in the best places, landscapes and cafés of the region.
I'm curious to learn anything that I don't know yet...
If I stay to your home, I will do my best to make it nice!

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Good time, (probably) good meals, and great conversations

Países que he visitado

Austria, Burkina Faso, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United States

Países en los que he vivido


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