Jack Tovey's Photo

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Maybe Accepting Guests

  • 83% response rate
  • Last login 13 minutes ago

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  • 93 references 69 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Freelance wine and drinks event host/tutor
  • Degree in Industrial Design, Advanced Level Wine & Sp...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

As a Host:

I moved back into my place in May 2018. To be sure that I initially had some money coming in to pay the bills I set up my property on Airbnb. I loved doing Airbnb so much it became a regular job but only part time. My other job is usually evening work, as a drinks event host/tutor.

Seeing as Airbnb is my main source of income I must give priority to paying Airbnb guests. With this in mind I am only able to take last minute Couchsurfing requests when I have no paid bookings. It is also important to bear in mind that you may be staying in a house where other people have paid to stay.

If you want stay and feel I shouldn't take an Airbnb guests then please do tell me your story!

I've lived in Manchester for a few years but would like to rediscover the city as a tourist/traveller to help me become a better host. I'll happily discover/learn this with other travellers.


Me on AirBnB:

Sign up for Airbnb and get £25 off your first adventure. Here’s my invitation link: https://abnb.me/e/rbovGis9oP


2 previous trips as a traveler:


I got couchsurfing while travelling late 2017 to early 2018. I did a 200 day trip - Travelling the world via food and drink! Briefly blogging as I go on Instagram _jacktovey_

So in August 2017, after over 8 years, I quit my job managing a wine shop in Manchester. I'd spent so long selling the finished product but wanted to switch to see the vineyards and production! I'm funding the trip partly through savings and partly though renting my house in Manchester.

My schedule:
USA (Aug to Nov) ✅
Chile (mid Nov) ✅
Peru (late Nov) ✅
Argentina (late Nov to early Dec) ✅
Uruguay (mid Dec) ✅
New Zealand (Dec to mid Feb) ✅
Tasmania (mid Feb) ✅
Australia (mid Feb) ✅
Japan (Late Feb) ✅
Back home (Early March) ✅


October 2019 (for 5 months)
Copenhagen ➡️ Cairo ➡️ India (lots of the south) ➡️ Malaysia ➡️ Singapore ➡️ Indonesia ➡️ Philippines ➡️ Covid19 outbreak!


As a guest:

I would hope this shows in my references but I would say I'm very low maintenance and I feel that as a home owner myself a have a very high level of respect for other people’s property. I'm a considerate and tidy house guest that aims to leave a place cleaner than when I arrived. I consider myself as a non smoker but have been known to have the odd celebratory cigar (and Cognac).

As I'm travelling on my own I'm happy to be left to do my own thing but would love to hang out with people to learn about their lives and share fun experiences.

I was told about Couchsurfing while at a hostel two weeks into my America trip. Shortly after downloading the app it saved me after crazy activities from Hurricane Irma! Turns out Couchsurfing for me is a not only a fantastic way to meet people but allows me to travel on a budget with accommodation, spending my money on things like food and drink.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Travelling for me is all about meeting new people. This is a great opportunity to do that. I already know that once I'm back home I'll become a host (I did - and will again when I return). But I always want to be sure I can give something back!


  • arts
  • design
  • cooking
  • wine
  • beer
  • traveling
  • music
  • skiing
  • food
  • steak

Music, Movies, and Books

I've a very wide taste in music. Might be more interesting to name some of my favourite tunes rather than artists:
Mercury Revs - Holes
Royksopp - Remind Me
Erasure - Stop!
Aphex Twin - Alberto Balsalm
Olive - You're Not Alone
Chemical Brothers - The Boxer
DJ Shadow - Six Days
Hilltop Hoods - The Nosebleed Section
Roots Manuva - Witness

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

89 day solo road trip across USA. 25,000+ miles and 33 states.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you about wine. Weather you want to learn how to taste like a pro or just enjoy a drink I can make it educational, fun or both!

While I'm away from home I'll miss cooking in my kitchen so I'm more than happy to cook for any hosts that take me on! Anything from a traditional English roast dinner to my signature duck stir fry dish.

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, Scotland, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

England, France, Scotland

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