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  • 138 references 117 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning Ancient Greek, English, French, German, Latin, Portuguese, Quechua
  • 35, Male
  • Member since 2016
  • No occupation listed
  • Philosophy, Anthropology, Master in Epistemology (UNMSM, ...
  • From Lima, Lima Province, Peru
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

*If you are keen on requesting to stay, reading my profile is not needed, but you should have a look to My Home section

Realizar una autodescripción es un intento sesgado y pretencioso. Más aún cuando la persona no es un algo pétreo ni subsumible bajo una definición objetivizadora (H. Hesse). Por ello, considero que es a otras personas a quienes corresponde realizar este esbozo de acuerdo a sus marcos conceptuales y circunstancias subjetivo-emocionales.

Prefiero, entonces, hablar de mis querencias y actitudes antes que de cualidades permanentes.
Disfruto de recorrer caminos, los del mundo y los horizontes de sentido. Gusto del silencio y el movimiento en sus momentos.

¿Qué origina mis raptos de plenitud? Brisas de atardeceres arrebolados, café colombiano, melodías guturales acompañadas de Voluntad nihilista, aguardiente refulgente de luz nocturna, perfumes ígneos, frío que deshace hasta los huesos, elocuencias hitlerianas, danzas paganas cubiertas de Maskenfreiheit, pupilas dilatadas, desindividualización tras la rasgadura del velo de Maia.

“Desnudo nací, desnudo me hallo: ni pierdo ni gano”. Cervantes.



Iré, cuando la tarde cante, azul, en verano,
herido por el trigo, a pisar la pradera;
soñador, sentiré su frescor en mis plantas
y dejaré que el viento me bañe la cabeza.

Sin hablar, sin pensar, iré por los senderos:
pero el amor sin límites me crecerá en el alma.
Me iré lejos, dichoso, como con una chica,
por los campos, tan lejos como el gitano vaga.

A. Rimbaud

° ° °

Making a self-description is a biased and pretentious attempt. Even more when the person is not a stony or reductible object conceived as an-only-moment conceptual image (H. Hesse). For this reason, I think other people could make this sketch better according to their conceptual frameworks and subjetive-emotional circumstances.

I prefer, then, to speak of my bent and attitudes rather than of permanent qualities.
I like walking ways, those of the world and the horizons of sense. I enjoy the silence and movement in suitable moments to let them flow.

What originates my abductions of plenitude? Breezes of flushed sunsets, Colombian coffee, guttural melodies accompanied by nihilistic Will, brandy glowing of nightlight, igneous perfumes, cold that melts bones, Hitlerian eloquences, pagan dance under the shadow of Maskenfreiheit, dilated pupils, deindividuation after the tearing of the veil of Maia.

"Naked I was born, naked I am: neither lose nor win". Cervantes.



Par les soirs bleus d’été j’irai dans les sentiers,
Picoté par les blés, fouler l’herbe menue:
Rêveur, j’en sentirai la fraicheur à mes pieds.
Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue.

Je ne parlerai pas; je ne penserai rien.
Mais l’amour infini me montera dans l’âme;
Et j’irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien,
Par la Nature, heureux comme avec une femme.

A. Rimbaud

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Reciprocity - Collaborative/symbiotic relations - Countercapitalism


Music, trekking, nature, ancient cultures

  • arts
  • mountains
  • popular culture
  • decolonization
  • natures
  • ancient cultures
  • savage mental structures
  • relational ontology
  • phenomenology of the body

Music, Movies, and Books

- Music:
Black metal, electronic, instrumental folcklore, southern andean huaynos, alternative and 90's latinamerican cumbias

- Movies:
Independent films, with existential subjects and unpredictable plots (Paraíso, Christiane F, The Turin horse, Das weisse Band, The mission, Aguirre the wrath of God, El niño de la bicicleta, The Gods must be crazy I, Fitzcarraldo, Holocausto caníbal, The cross of iron, Departures, El viaje de Bettie, Dersu Uzala, The name of the rose, Strings, The thief of Bagdad, Taboo, Nanook el Esquimal, Mahoma, Er ist wieder da, Feos sucios y malos, Jesus Christus Erlöser, El lado oscuro del corazón, La vendedora de rosas, City of god, Sans loi ni toi, La casa lobo, El vampiro de Düsseldorf... )

- Books:
Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, rural ethnographies and literature of the Spanish Golden Age.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I crossed the highest region of the Peruvian Andes (Cordillera Blanca), overpassing 5000 masl. I did it without companions neither special gear, only riding my faithful Euripides (my former bicycle).

Teach, Learn, Share

- Teach: I taught Humanities in higher education institutions. If you come to Peru, I can help you to sketch your journey, since I have traveled in 23 of the 24 departments, 20 of them just by bicycle.

- Learn: I enjoy developing omnicomprehensive approaches and acquiring integrated understading which let me to engage with true Nature(s). Therefore, I appreciate everything that can be taught to me. My motto is that "everything is instructive, either from the favorable or the adverse".

- Share: I cook Peruvian dishes and prepare drinks. Always up to cheer with cold beers anywhere, specially in unconventional places!

What I Can Share with Hosts


Countries I’ve Visited

Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela

Countries I’ve Lived In

Colombia, Peru

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