Phillip Ranglin's Photo

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  • 56% response rate
  • Last login about 8 hours ago

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  • 78 references 60 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French, Sign Language - American, Spanish
  • 40, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Small Business Owner
  • BSc, MSc Microbiology
  • From Jamaica
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To meet CSers, share life experiences, insights, philosophies, and culturally influenced food!


I just finished graduate school and recently started my own green energy business (which I'll talk at length about so ask with caution). I consider myself to be an engineer at heart, with the mind of a scientist, or some combination of the 2 disciplines. I enjoy doing outdoor activities, and train regular for the one triathlon I do per year. I own a car and a truck, and do most (if not all) of the work on them myself, even though I'm not a trained mechanic. I consider passion to be the greatest, most failproof motivator, so I try to be passionate about everything I do.


I believe that we live to better ourselves and our surroundings- we have to live in equilibrium with ourselves and one another, and without that, there's chaos.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I enjoy hosting CSers passing through, and showing them what I've seen in this city, and maybe taking the opportunity to experience somewhere new. I believe that this project is about making new friends from all over, and there's no better way of doing so than sharing an experience, or even just a meal.


I've yet to surf anywhere, but I've hosted a few people, and had great experiences. I've shared interesting conversations, had a wonderful Russian soup, and hopefully made a good impression of Atlanta to all the surfers I've hosted.


Soccer (though it's really called football)- I started playing a few months ago and absolutely love it, and would love to find some sort of pick-up game everywhere i go!; tennis, cooking, the environment, recycling, languages, movies, NPR podcasts, healthy eating, finding new ways to relax

Music, Movies, and Books

Any genre (except trance and most techno haha). I'm partial to french films. and medical dramas

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was on a boat in Grenada a few years ago, heading back to the mainland, and a humpback whale came up for air right behind the boat. It was breathtaking.

Teach, Learn, Share

Let someone go ahead of you today- in a line, in traffic- somewhere. That split second could help so much in calming you down, and improving the quality of your life, moment by moment.

Countries I’ve Visited

France, Grenada, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

Grenada, Jamaica, United States

Old School Badges

  • 8 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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