Le foto di Rochelle Jelinek

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  • Ultimo accesso 5 giorni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 22 referenze 5 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Portuguese; lingua che sta imparando Spanish
  • 48, Donna
  • Membro dal 2016
  • Prosecutor attorney in D.A.Office
  • PhD in Law /Negotiation and Leadership at Harvard University
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

First of all, CS is not about free bed, and not a date website like Tinder!!!
CS is about looking for new people to talk, to explore, to exchange, to share and to learn with them, maybe friends for life.

ABOUT ME: I'm a Wanderlust, a globetrotter, not a tourist!
I like meeting local person, feeling the lifestyle of the local people, maybe cooking with them or tasting local food, hanging out for a coffee, beer or wine, discovering new places through the lens of a local, knowing places that you just find by chance and probably are not even in travel guides.

I have a very formal job as a prosecutor and professor of Law, Negotiation & Leadership.
I’m active, lively, free spirit, very traveled, sports addicted, and I’m doing something all the time! Calm life is not for me!

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

CS is about looking for people to talk, to stay, to explore, to exchange, to share... it’s NOT ABOUT A FREE BED.

I take CS seriously, so for me CS is not:
🚫for free charge bed . If you are looking just a place, go to a hotel.

1) Before sending a message or request, read my profile until the end, and answer the ✳️key-question, and then I’ll know you really have read it!

✳️The key-question is: what’s your favorite color?


  • photography
  • cooking
  • wine
  • beer
  • running
  • pub crawls
  • music
  • sports
  • martial arts
  • beaches
  • travel
  • eating
  • nature
  • wanderlust
  • adventures
  • rock
  • hanging out
  • new friends
  • trips
  • hanging out with friends
  • dinning

Musica, film e libri

Books: about communication and emotional intelligence

Music: rock

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

trips and travels over the world! the most incredible discoveries are about PEOPLE, not about places.

Insegna, impara, condividi

I can TEACH: plan trips, healthy habits, cook, photography, triggers and tricks about persuasion, some words in Portuguese

SHARE: my home, experiences, local food and local beverages!

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

Home, food, tips
I can show my city for my guests

Paesi che ho visitato

Albania, Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Laos, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Paesi in cui ho vissuto


Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Rochelle.

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