Le foto di Travis Walkup

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  • Tasso di risposta del 0%
  • Ultimo accesso oltre 2 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 48 referenze 46 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando Chinese (Simplified), German, Sign Language - French, Sign Language - Russian
  • 42, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2008
  • Artist, Farmer, Inventor, dreamer
  • florida state university graduate studied History & P...
  • Di Orlando, FL, USA
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


I am a fun loving, easy going, person that loves to meet people from other parts of the world and share life experiences and knowledge. I have hosted people in Orlando, FL since 2009.. My horizons and view of the world transformed guest by guest, year after year. I still have the business though I can't actually do the work any more due to chemical sensitivities so I am really like a freee tour guide that is jazzed to do what ever as what I did for most my life makes me ill. I am seriously looking to host people and do all the things I have done too many times and would really only enjoy if showing you and your friends. This does not mean if you stay I have to or will want to go everywhere with you and I am very observant to others needs so never feel like you have to do anything except enjoy yourself and i may expand your mind a bit. Even this I will stop if you look uninterested or confused. I would consider myself to be a very free thinker and if you knew the true nature of reality at the quantum level you cant help but love the true nature of things. I don't talk about these things unless you show interest as not everyone is ready or spent as much time researching so many subjects not taught in the schools or universities. If I don't think you would really gain from an experience I would not suggest it. And it is really up to you what you want to do there are no house rules as I believe if everyone just followed the Golden Rule ,"Treat others like you want to be treated" there is no need for any other rules really.


I am a deep thinker.....always have enjoyed new people...I am shy and not shy...
I all ways wanted to own a hostel....and I assure my guests are comfortable and get the most out of their time while visiting Orlando.. I believe everyone has the ability to be and do what they want in his life and we are all truly created equal.I have to think the best in life is yet to come and if I ever get on your nerves just tell me as I am a very passionate person that values truth and honesty amongst everyone..



Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I love hosting guests....It has made my time when not traveling possible... I may have hosted over 300 plus or minus since 2008..I have stayed with previous guests 2 times once for a week in Mexico and once for a month in Buenos Aires.. I have been going to mexico a lot lately as I have met so many friends there.. I was planning on driving down to the yucatan with all the gear to give people tours there but I am learning you cant do it all alone.. So I am open to suggestions where to next??


Life Long friendships, laughs, learning, excitement, different ( i grow weary of the small minds and those that doubt others abilities to change the world on their own as changing the world starts with changing your ideas or thought patterns.. I love to philosophy and have the ability to see all sides of the equation.. I am also not serious all the time and don't feel that anyone is right or wrong or the need to prove such..


I love the outdoors
surfing, basketball, soccer, realaxing by the lake, helping people, making a difference, and most of all meeting people from different places.
I also just began practicing yoga. I believe Yoga can change your life. Nature, laughing is one of my favorite things, I love new experiences.

Musica, film e libri

I love reggae music. My short attention span allows me only to watch movies in the theatre. Like reading non-fiction. Back to the music thing I really enjoy live music and can appreciate most any type of music.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

The most amazing thing I did was in 2003 I went on a ten day solo trip to Jamacia. When i was 16 i went on a mission trip there and vowed to return, The return trip was amazing the lady i sat next to on the plane landing in kingston gave me a ride to my hotel. Then on the plane trip to mo bay the couple in front of me drove me to negril and set me up in a great place and told the owners i was a relative so they made sure i was watched after. One day while eating lunch gazing at the beautiful mountains I saved a young boy who drowned in the pool. I used to be a lifeguard(great summer job in florida) and it was the first time I got to use my lifesaving techniques.

Insegna, impara, condividi

maybe turn my lake property into a hostell or retreat
by hosting couch surfers they may keep me motivated to follow my dreams as well as learning different ideas on what to do with the property and life

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

I love sharing knowledge to those with ears to hear it and a mind open enough to entertain possibilities and not get upset or think an idea that differs from your view is an attack .... I am very considerate and though I have hosted hundreds of people I have never stayed with a stranger... I enjoy hosting more than just about anything I have done in life and have visited people I met when they stayed with me.. I have never been on the other side... I am curious if it is enjoyable. I would imagine it's great maybe someone in Denver or the surrounding area can help me out.. One way ticket from Orlando I landed late 2 nights ago.. Spent first night at the airport.. 2 nd Motel 6... know I am sitting at the bus station so chill it's amazing.... have a final destination I am planning on moving to ...

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Bahamas, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Mexico, United States

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 3 Garantiscis
  • Distintivo “pioniere”

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