Mónica Macías Jiménez's Photo

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  • 137 references 67 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning Russian
  • 38, Female
  • Member since 2009
  • Survive in this life and learning something new every day
  • In travels and by the people wherever I go
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Now I have completed visiting all the countries in Europe before 30... the next challenge is all the countries in America before 40, maybe... Anyway, on my life way always there are missions of getting to know and understand different cultures wherever I go and mostly by local people. I am deeply in debt with Couchsurfing!


~~~ Who am I? ~~~
I'm from a town in the south of Spain but I don't feel very identified with my birthplace. I love the warmth of people, the culture and the parties but, my character is a bit different from the people there.
Thanks to a scholarship which sent me to Ireland to improve my English skills in 2003 and 2004, one month each time, my live changed. I started to be aware of life behind the Spanish borders and since then I am addicted to travel, exploring, learning and meeting new people wherever I go. Travelling has opened my mind and made me progress in a positive way, understanding cultures, points of view or how people live in different places.
At the moment I am living in Edinburgh after 2.5 years living in England because of work I could come back to my favorite city in this island :D And it is a good place to receive visits!
It is difficult to describe myself. Sometimes I don't know who I am... hahaha. I prefer to say what people tell about me :P My friends think that I'm very sociable person who loves talking with people and exchange culture knowledge wherever I am. I love parties and go out with friends for a hot drink in the afternoon or for discos during the night. I'm very tidy person and organized. I like meeting new people and share laughs together. I'm very active! I love organizing activities and I have many hobbies and interests.
If you want to know more, let's meet! :)


:·...Living the life!...·:
The world would be great if everybody would want to help to everybody... people need to feel the satisfaction when you are useful for others...nice feeling :D
"The human's heart needs to believe in something, and it believes in lies when it doesn't find truths to believe"
That's the reason I always say: I believe in me! Although perhaps I don't exist...Descartes what do you think?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Couch Surfing, like one person told me in a meeting, has three parts: Host, Surf and socialization.

Host--->I did not have the chance to host many people due to time (I would like to spend time with my guests) but also and mostly because I am sharing accommodation with non-couch surfers. I have not been lucky enough to find couch surfers to live with them. Anyway, if you are around Edinburgh you can contact me and I might be able to arrange a mattress if you do not find other hosts.
Socialization---> I usually went to the CS meetings in London and in Singapore when I lived there. When I was free I made my own meeting to explore London or Singapore. In Germany I didn't interact so much with the community because the community just started in Cottbus while I was there and it wasn't that easy to spend time in Berlin. In Newcastle I met a couple of surfers, lovely people but my master's didn't give me much free time to share it with them :( So to sum up I interact with CS people wherever I live! :D
Surf---> I almost always surf when I travel with CS or in my friend's house. When I'm comfortable with my host I sometimes forgot about the landmarks in the city and I just share the time with him/her walking, talking and having a drink or dinner. Also I'm pushing to my friends to enter to this community when they travel with me. I got a few of them in already!!!


Simply amazing and always eager of more

My first experience was in Oxford and I only can say that after that I was going to repeat for sure!!! My host was very very nice, helpful, friendly...and people who I knew from CS there, wonderful people with a lot of energy, good experiences in CS and a lot of friendship to share, laughs...this experience make me think about how the world would be if more people trust in others and they were like that people in my first experience... from that time up to know I have beeing continuously interacting with CS community and I only have a couple of "bad stories" but nothing important. Everything in general has been AMAZING!

I used to have a list and links to all my hosts and some of the activities I organized but since the website recently changed for this H%&$)""=$(>.< design I cannot display all my old information!


Everything new always is interesting
It's better to ask me what is not my interested in because I have a lot of interests. I'm very curious person who love to learn and discover new things so...
I love anime and manga. Japanese culture has my attention since I started to watch anime. I do not have time for it at the moment because I am learning Chinese!
Numismatics is another big passion I have. I research from time to time and I ask for coins and banknotes to everybody... in back I can cook for you or invite you for a drink! ^^
I would like to improve my language skills because I need communication in my life and consequently languages! I try to pick up some words from every language when I am visiting the country.
Sciences are my field because I am fond of how life is working and how everything is conected. Just amazing!
I really love the history but told by native people with different points of views...I hate the manipulation of mass-media.
Of course travelling is my major interest. I try to visit new places as much as I can, but I do not mind to go back to a place to visit friends! :)
visited 53 states (23.5%)Create your own visited map of The World or Amsterdam travel guide for Android

  • traveling
  • cycling
  • camping
  • surfing
  • communications
  • teaching
  • history
  • languages
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

I like all the genres, they just need to be a good one!
Science fiction is one of my favourites genres, although romantic, drama and action too. I love the special effects in films, but the plot and the scripts need to be not typical or predictable.
Some of my favourites are Matrix, The gladiator, A beutiful mind,The Shawshank Redemption, The Saint...........
I love the music in general! All kinds for me are great depend on the moment. Classical, celtic...for relax; break beat, electronik in general to spend energy jumping (more than dancing :P); pop, rock during a trip or a walk; J-pop in my friki-moments and so on. Just I hate flamenco and I'm not keen on regional music from my country.
Bands or singers a lot so better to methion some songs:
Bonito-Jarabe de Palo
Angel-Robbie Williams
Will you be there-Michael Jackson
It's my life-Jon Bon Jovi..............
Adventure and intrigue are the perfect adjectives for the books I enjoy the most. I like also poetry although I prefer poems from the lips or someone (can be a friend! :)).
The never ending-Michael Ende
Anna Frank's diary
Something from Bécquer..........

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

There are amazing things to see and understand around you, just open your eyes! =)
Niagara Falls (Canada) and Caves of Monatery (Kiev) are amazing...
Amazing thing have done...
*Two and a half hours from my place in London to Trafalgar Square to know how London is through my eyes. Same thing in Singapore (3h that time!)
*Crossing the Ukranian Border on foot alone
*Driving a Polish train because I became "friend" of the driver
*60 kms riding a bike around Angkor Wat temples!
*Road trip around Iceland including camping with snow conditions!
More facts are coming...^^

Teach, Learn, Share

"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing" and I want to learn/share as much as I can in this life.

I used to teach Spanish as a private teacher, I can help with that... maybe other things if you tell me what you are interested in!

It's the perfect philosophy...Teach...Learn...Share! :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

My time, my stories, my experience in couchsurfing, my knowledge of Spain, Scotland, England, Germany and maybe some other places where I lived shorter. I like teaching languages so I can help you with your Spanish as well :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Macedonia, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Ukraine

Old School Badges

  • 23 Vouches

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