Fotos de Nikola Prpa

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Visão geral

  • 79 referências 54 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, Serbian; aprendendo: German, Greek (modern), Portuguese, Russian
  • 35, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2009
  • Psychology, art
  • Psychology
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim


Work in progress...


I am open-minded and easy going person. I graduated in Psychology and Sport Psychology and I am in the process of completing a doctorate in psychology. I like to organize my day to not have much free time, i.e. to be always on the move. Currently, most of my days are based on studying, reading books, listening to music and watching films, playing chess, etc. I like telling stories and I would love to hear your story.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Basically, I liked the idea of meeting new interesting people all over the world, and to share ideas and knowledge.
I hosted several surfers so far, guys from France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Argentina, Chile, UK... I also crashed several places and overall experience is amazing! My general belief is to equally host and surf, and to be as much polite guest or host as possible. I'd like to host and surf more, but the places I live are obviously not a touristic sites :P
Just kidding, but please don't ask me for a couch if you are not interested in meeting and knowing me, i.e. just because you need a place to stay. If you want just touristicaly to visit countries and cities (hence not to meet other people, experience and share other's beliefs, points of view, taste and enjoy local products, etc.), you have numerous travel agencies so ask them for help. Some of them are quite good actually


Psychology, Buddhism, Art (Movies & Music mainly) and culture, FoodNootBombs movement, charity rallyes, learning languages, Adventure Racing, etc. I am interested in vast number of things, that I am starting to think I should loose up number a bit, because I can not be master in everything :(

  • arts
  • culture
  • books
  • beauty
  • running
  • boating
  • movies
  • chess
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • buddhist
  • sports
  • languages
  • psychology

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

My life is severely damaged and influenced by movies of Wenders, Fassbinder, Bergman, Jodorowsky, Fellini, Bunuel, Forman, Kusturica, Tar, Dardennes, Pavlovic, Godard, Tarantino, Allen, Wilders, Polanski, Tarkovsky, Hitchcock, Almodovar, Jeunet, Akin, Kurosawa, Miyazaki.... I really enjoy cinema.
Same for the music, I listen to Chet Baker, Freddie Hubbard, Frank Zappa, The Smiths, Nina Simone, Aziza Mustafazadeh, Dobri Isak, Azra, Block Out, Chick Corea, Bojan Z, Mogwai, Sonic Youth, etc. As you can see I am open to different musical styles varying from world music to electronica or jazz.
U could wish to visit my profile in order to find something of interest:
Finally, same for the book(s): Adams, Bukowski, Dawkins, Hawking, Hemingway, Jergovic, Orwell, Wilde, Eco...
I am cultural guy in general, with broad views on life, often mixing economics, anthropology, philosophy, history, geography, and other knowledge into discussing different issues. I really like to discuss and debate things, but not all the time, naturally sometimes I just like to drink beer and watch football

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Don't know, I am trying to abandon that perspective on life. As Jarmusch would say "the beauty of life is in small details, not in big events"

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I could teach you some basic, yet powerful psychological techniques that will improve your quality of life. I could share many different interesting little stories that I collected along my way, or to recommend you some nice movies and music. There is a big list of things I want to learn, ranging from creating and running websites to how to build your own boat.

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

Basically, everything I have and that is listed on my profile :)

Países que Visitei

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City State

Países em que Morei

China, Greece, Qatar, Serbia, United States

Insígnias de Veteranos

  • 3 Atestars

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